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A lesson from the tea master

  • February 8, 2017

    One of my friends shared one the greatest lesson she learned from her dad. When she was younger, her dad told her a story of a tea master and his student. The tea master asked the student to pour tea unto his cup.

    When it was his turn to show his student how it is done, the tea master purposely poured tea unto his student’s cup that it would overflow. He told his student that he was like that cup if would not give and share what he knows. If he is not generous of knowledge and hoard all inside the cup, then he would not be emptied to receive something more. That was an interesting lesson on humility. My essay on that story would probably be about how it is easy for us to not want to receive learning and correction from people whom we can consider as wiser than us.

    As we receive a bit of learning every day, we are prone to not accepting things that we need to unlearn in the process of becoming a better human being. Suffice to say, as we learn about more things in the future, we should also learn even more that we can receive when we take it seriously to give out as well.